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Glandular Fever

To the students at Melbourne University where glandular fever is common. Read this carefully and make your own notes.


  • Glandular Fever

  • Strategy

  • Dangers

  • Summary

Glandular Fever

(1) Epstein-Barr virus, active.

(2) The internal milieu, the tissues and blood, are referred to as terrain. Terrain is like a football field, hopefully good enough to play games on. It is of basic importance.

(3) Terrain is determined by pH, hydration, presence of charged particles (ions, liveliness in the tissues), deficiencies and toxicities. These things will determine whether the terrain is healthy or in a degenerating state. Whether it can fight to maintain normal function or whether it allows merely a status quo of inferior function, a making do. Inferior function invites activation of the virus.

(4) The virus is dormant if the terrain is normal, healthy. The virus is inactive and cannot multiply. The healthy function of the cell or extra cellular space, representing the terrain, bounces off the active form, it is not hospitable to it.

(5) If the virus is not present in its dormant state, but is introduced by contact, the same thing applies. A healthy person's terrain is not hospitable to the active form.

(6) A vulnerable person's terrain is hospitable to the active form. One person gets glandular fever, the next person does not, accordingly. The virus picks up on the inferior state of the terrain. The drive for survival is foremost in the virus, it is opportunistic, an entrepreneur in a form tailor- made for glandular fever.

(7) How then does the terrain get changed to an inferior state? It is mainly due to stress of some kind, poor diet or toxic circumstances. From here on, one thing leads to another: wrong pH, dehydration of cells, lack of charged particles to facilitate the reactions, lack of materials, a weakened cell structure.

(8) Our advantage lies in the very fact that a microbe adapts to circumstances in this way. It means we can prevent the active form the same way as it came about: by changing the degenerated terrain back to normal terrain. The terrain needs its normal pH back, its hydration, its normal function and structure. It needs to be detoxified.

(9) The strategy of improving the terrain deals with the underlying cause of the disease and this needs to be clearly understood; at the same time, a strategy can be used to deal with the symptoms such as sore throat and neck with swollen glands, headaches, a raised temperature and feeling awful. By reducing the symptoms the person feels better and the terrain benefits. Always keep in mind the hierarchy of the troubles. There is no point in just treating the symptoms; in fact such an approach is a reason for the disease to become chronic as the active form of the virus has the chance to reappear in the unattended, bad terrain.


Symptoms, acute and chronic:

To deal with the virus:

Olive leaf extract, a natural antiviral

Kyolic aged garlic


Herbal anti-inflammatories

To deal with stress which will feed the attack in waves:

B complex, B5 (pantothenic acid)

Nervine herbs (relaxing the mind)

Adrenal herbs (strengthening the adrenals)

Thyroid supplements

To deal with immediate deficiencies:

Omega 3 oil, either fish oil capsules or raw flax seed oil

Double dose of zinc

Other minerals in charged, absorbable form

Strong dose of anti oxidants

To deal with toxins:

Liver herbs

Methylation support for detoxification by liver (practitioner supplement that supports methyl donors)

Green barley powder

For the terrain, as underlying cause:

To deal with stress:

Rest and small walks

Patience Perseverance Gratitude


To deal with acidity and dehydration:

Minerals in absorbable form, such as coral calcium

Green barley tablets

Diet of ¾ of plate made up of vegetables, ½ of plate made up of protein or carbohydrate

Drink small glasses of water, regularly through the day

To deal with toxins and improve correct bile formation:

Healthy gut microbes

Liver supplement that includes bile herbs

Vitamins and minerals

To deal with virus:

Find thoughts of correct wavelength; the wavelength that will resonate with the wavelength of virus elimination. This exercise of the brain cells is actually recognized as science. It is used in neuro-feedback from brain to computer and back to brain via externally placed electrode. Instead of treatment with electronic machinery, the scan for the correct wavelength by brain cells can also be done at home by being intent on thinking about virus elimination from the tissues. Imagine the virus as an invading army that must be slain. Do this a few times a day. It is a relaxing pastime in comparison to devoting oneself to the current range of stresses.


By allowing Epstein Barr to become chronic, you run the danger of developing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This can be seen as a 'next stage', far harder to heal then Epstein Barr. CFS often has a pre-history of Epstein Barr and/or other viral infection, combined with a stressy, high aiming, perfectionist personality. There you have it - the basis for an acid terrain can be found in a living system that endures constant stress and wears out the adrenals. Epstein Barr sets the stage for CFS in enough cases to make it an often-mentioned fact in the literature.

What would be the relationship between the two?

1) Stress is a major factor in both. It exhausts the adrenals. The adrenals make cortisol, which is required for a number of functions. The adrenals not only make cortisol to address stress, but also to control inflammation processes by the immune system (remember cortisone for inflammation like eczema, arthritis). In a stressy personality with exhausted adrenals, the stress can no longer be addressed properly as the cortisol is no longer adequate. The body suffers the consequences by a lower pH. Also the immune system has considerably less regulation of inflammation and becomes at a loose end as to what to do when a virus comes along. These two, stress and poor immune, are a bad combination and already present in Epstein Barr. The stress causes the acidity to allow for the virus, and at same time it causes the lack of a good immune defense (no cortisol reserves) against it. The adrenals are thus a connection between Epstein Barr and CFS via chronic stress and need to be very carefully nurtured during stress periods such as exams.

Neurotransmitters produced in the brain cells are of course also engaged in the stress reaction. Their depletion or excess due to chronic stress is a big factor. Whereas poor adrenals make chaos of stress situations and immune regulation, poorly reacting brain cells add to the anxiety and stress in synergistic fashion by not having the correct neurotransmitter available at the most needed moment. In CFS this situation has reached a point. It sets the person up for unexpected, unexplainable stress, past the threshold where it can be controlled via a feedback system. Address the stress in glandular fever and so reduce the heavy demand on the adrenal glands and the neurons.

Address the stress in glandular fever and so reduce the heavy demand on the adrenal glands anf the neurons.

2) Damaged cell membranes. In CFS the situation can be seen from the perspective of a damaged cell membrane. Fatigue of nerves and fatigue of muscles is present in CFS. Nerves and muscles have one thing in common; they work off cell membranes, which have action potentials, which are stimulated to carry electrical signals. Signals happen either from nerve to nerve or from nerve to muscle.

The potential to action like this is realized via critical goings on at the cell membrane. If the cell membrane is very damaged by free radicals (some people even speak of 'holes' in the membrane) the signals get confused. The nerve-to-nerve signals cause the mind to be anxious for little reason and the muscles get similarly anxious and possibly do overtime and get exhausted. The general thought is that the cell does not make enough energy in the mitochondria, and is causing fatigue that way. However, addressing the energy production alone gives little improvement in CFS. The membranes themselves and their control channels need to be reinstated first.

To prevent or heal the precious, intricate cell membranes a constant dose of anti oxidants and nutrients such as minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids is needed. When having Epstein Barr, nurture the cell membranes by taking anti oxidants and cell membrane nutrients. This will help prevent the condition to deteriorate into CFS.

3) Poor detoxification. In glandular fever there is already the question of adrenal exhaustion from stress. A viral infection causes toxicity as well. In CFS, the detoxifying molecules in liver such as the amino acids cysteine and gluthathione are usually in very short supply, they are used up. This implies that preceding the appearance of CFS, the lifestyle has required a lot of detoxification, and the liver is sick and tired of it. On top of the infection, alcohol and street drugs take their toll of the liver. These compounds are enormously exhausting for the liver detoxification systems. Therefore, limit the alcohol; it is devastating for the liver. The liver cells build large suffocating fatty reserves within their space, thinking this is defense. It is the best they can do short of getting themselves killed. Glandular fever infection draws on the liver detoxification processes and will speed up the race to CFS.

4) Lastly, the hormonal factor. Glands secrete hormones. Glandular fever affects glands. As hormones must also be supported to heal CFS, this suggests a link. The glands work on a hormonal feedback system via the bloodstream. Glands involved include the hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary, the adrenals and the thyroid. When one gland in this connecting pathway is affected, such as the adrenals, then the rest in the connecting pathway will suffer. Hormonal deregulation results. If Epstein Barr has weakened the glandular organs along the connecting axis, starting with the adrenals, along with a taxed liver and stress that keeps coming on, it looks like a good setup for CFS.

From the point of hormone deregulation, best is to take supplements that support and reinforce each member of the connecting pathway (the axis) with emphasis on pampering the thyroid and adrenals. Maintain a reasonable lifestyle and all the other things mentioned above. Reduce stress if an option and carefully take herbs to stand up better to existing stress, perceive it more calmly. What ever you do too much of, you will pay for in the long term. You pay for it in the subtle realm of hormones for one.

Does all this connect up with discussion of a terrain? That does not allow the virus to be in active form? It certainly does. All the above strategies, in a form tailor- made for glandular fever, work hard for a normal, pH-based, non-toxic, well-nourished safe terrain. A refreshed sharp immune system adds its support to the terrain by scanning for viruses.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is seen by many as a combination of a number of unfavorable circumstances coming at the same time. This certainly seems to be an aspect of the case. What needs to be remembered is, though, that the confusion is fairly specific. Certain specific symptoms can be detected as the end result, such as the fatigue and anxiety and the low condition of the liver detox system. Perhaps there is a primeval start of order given to our body and a similar primeval end to order is possible, crystallizing itself in this over the threshold- point of no return syndrome. That end to order needs to be reversed by understanding the process. Glandular fever may contribute to its understanding.


To summarize, take care of the glandular fever, and take special care in the areas where it relates to CFS such as adrenals, thyroid, cell membrane ntegrity, liver detoxification, free radicals status and circumstances of stress. Reduce drinking and all drugs. It is important to know what is going on, so you can make sense of the treatment protocol for glandular fever and of the need for a certain change in lifestyle. Natural treatment is good for the body; therefore advice from a natural health practitioner is highly recommended.

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