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Green Barley

The benefits of green barley

Attention needs to be given to companies that provide whole food, or near whole food. Only too often we are advised to take vitamins and minerals by themselves. Whole food is the material we evolved on as animals, as human beings. It cannot be beaten in content by anything we make in a lab. Melrose Health Supplies in Melbourne, Australia, have made it their business to provide whole food.

Green barley (or barley sprouts or barley grass) is a super example of real food as we need it. First of all this green food contains all the ingredients to digest, absorb and assimilate itself. The body is not drained of vitamins, minerals and enzymes to do this, hard earned by eating other foods. If you were to take chlorophyll alone, for instance, you would not have the same benefits by far. Then, green barley contains a wealth of extras to give to the body, like digestive enzymes, colloidal minerals, vitamins and protein. It becomes real food when the quantities of the various nutrients are intricately balanced against each other in ratios, that suit our body.

In a smorgasbord of nourishment, the one nutrient that most stands out is the green pigment chlorophyll. Green barley tablets are very green tablets inside and out. Chlorophyll is a cleaner. It ferrets out toxins from the tissues meaning the cells and their surrounds. The toxins are transported out of the tissues into the bloodstream. Liver and kidneys deal with the toxins to remove them from the body and that is it. As well as being a detoxer, chlorophyll brings oxygen into the system. This, with the cleaning action, is the single most important attribute to prevent and deal with chronic disease. A cell that is clean and full of oxygen, can make its energy in aerobic fashion completely. It is only a cell that starts to make energy by fermentation, without oxygen, that allows disease like cancer to develop. Relevant to our day and age is the fact that chlorophyll combats radiation. This reflects a nutrient you cannot see under the microscope! The ability of chlorophyll to combat harmful radiation is a valuable tool if you are using a computer, work with electricity or live near power lines. We are in any case constantly submitted to unsuitable types of radiation that are not natural to our body. Chlorophyll contains stored energy. It traps beneficial sun energy into its unique electron arrangements, a very unusual molecule on earth to do so naturally. This gives energy power to not only help plants make plant food. The stored energy also gives fighting power to deal with and monopolise other slightly different energy. Energy that is not quite the right kind for us. Chlorophyll likely outwits harmful radiation energy with its own (freshly-trapped) beneficial radiation energy. One energy against another.

The other nutrient worth a special mention is the high level of charged potassium in green barley. This is the mineral that mans the sodium/ potassium pump at the cell membrane of each and every cell. A precious arrangement of various charged minerals (ions) needs to be maintained here. Nutrients go into cells and rubbish goes out of the cells via membrane openings. In other words, these mineral ions need to ensure the proper health of the cell and thus the proper work out put. To remain relevant, it will be very important to have this mechanism in order when the chlorophyll starts to pull the toxins out of the cells. The potassium helps to do this efficiently. An important application of potassium is the muscle of the heart, that keeps the heart beating. It needs an enormous amount of potassium sometimes, and this mineral is high on the list with doctors when the muscle cramps and an attack is imminent.


Green barley is utterly safe, it is a concentrated plate of green vegetables. The only consideration is that it must be introduced into the system gradually. Due to its cleaning action, it is wise to start with a low dose, say one tablet with each meal. This is to avoid toxins in bloodstream at higher level than our body can get rid of. (A good accompaniment when you first start is a dose of supportive liver herbs, if you suspect you may have a fair level of toxicity. Also drink small glasses of water right through the day to dilute higher levels of toxins in the bloodstream.)

If there are no symptoms such as a slight headache or slight nausea (due to toxins arrive in blood at higher levels) then go to two per meal and up to three or four or five per meal as time goes on. When you are sick, your body uses up more. In cancer, you go up to the equivalent of twelve teaspoons over the day. The clean aerobic interior of your cells is very bad news for cancer indeed. Microbes such as bacteria, moulds and viruses don't like it for the same reason. Green food is a very basic level of healing, because it takes away the ground the disease stands on.

In the snap articles, greens as a basic need to live is discussed in more detail. The need for it goes right back to when life first started, and then developed into more complicated forms, still relying on the same basic need.

The idea is to check your plate of food AT EVERY MEAL and supplement it with this concentrated affordable source of greens.

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